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2018-11-14 15:47来源:山东自考网

  60. …… those who have no patience with the tedious workings of the democratic process and who believe that the institytion can only be changed by force .
  (1)tedious : long and tiresome 冗长乏味的。
  如:a tedious lecture 冗长的演讲;tedious work 乏味的工作
  (2)working(s) : action , operation 工作,运作。
  如:the workings of the mind , the workings of the nature 自然的运作

  61. To them it offers a romantic appeal , usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure .
  (1)a romantic appeal : appeal n. : the power to attract the mind or emotions 吸引力。
  如:Such life has no appeal for me . 这种生活对我没有吸引力。
  That sort of music has lost its appeal for me . 这种音乐已经失去了对我的吸引力。
  v. appeal to : 吸引。
  如:Does the menu appeal to me? 菜单吸引我了吗?
  The novel appeals to women . 这本小说吸引女性读者。
  (2)dashing : vigorously lovely ; brilliant or showy 精力充沛的;华丽的
  (3)charismatic 名词形式为charisma (使大众信服的)领袖魅力
