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1) 那时在大学生中流行的正是民间音乐。
At that time it was folk music that was popular among college students.
1) 我们匆匆忙忙地赶回学校,生怕天会下雨。
We hurried back to school lest it should rain.
1) 三年前她曾在伦敦一家茶厂工作,工资很低。
Three years age she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in London.
2) 将来还会有脑力劳动和体力劳动的区别吗?
Will there be any difference between the mental and the manual labor in the future?
3) 警察已着手对这个案子进行细致、全面的调查。
The police have taken a detailed and comprehensive investigation into the case.
1) 这与其说取决于候选人的个人特点不如说取决于外部因素。
This depends on external factors rather than on a candidate's personal characteristics.
2) 机器人将要在哪些领域替代人的工作呢?
In what fields will robots take over human tasks?
3) 在表达自己的意见查看全文见时,我们应该力求客观。
In expressing our opinions, we should try to be as objective as possible.
4) 从某种程度上来说,她的失败是由于运气不好。
To some degree, she owed her failure to bad luck.
5) 图书管理员要求学生读完杂志后放回原处。
The librarian asked the students to replace the magazines after reading.
6) 他对妻子要离开他的威胁没有在意。
He took no notice of his wife’s threat to leave him.
7) 这个由10人组成的委员会一致支持这一决定。
The panel / committee / board consisting of /(which was)composed of/(which was)made up of/which consisted of/ten/10 member supported the decision with one voice / all supported the decision.
8) 科学家们将不得不提出增加世界粮食供应的新办法。
Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.
9) 企业必须对市场需求敏感。
Enterprises must be sensitive to the demand of the market.
10) 高薪和福利都不能取悦工人们。
Neither the benefits nor the high pay appeals to / pleases the workers. Neither the high pay nor the benefits appeal to / please the workers.
11) 每个人都可以培养自己的兴趣。
Everybody can cultivate / take to his (own) interests.
12) 除了英语,他们还得学一门第二外语。
In addition to / Besides English, they have to learn a second foreign language.
13) 二十世纪六十年代美国民间音乐除表现爱情与希望外,还表现反战情绪。
The American folk music in the 1960’s expressed anti-war sentiments as well as love and hope.
14) 所有的理论都来源于实践,并反过来为实践服务。
All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice.
15) 候选人都尽力突出表现一种强有力的领导的形象。Candidates try to project a strong leadership image.
16) 这家航空公司经营五条主干线和二十条支线。
This air line operates five main lines and twenty branch lines.
17) 人们对于如何达到这个目标有不同的看法。
People have different ideas/views about how to attain the goal.
18) 这个小伙子偷偷把一块表塞进口袋,没让老师看到。
This young man slipped a watch into his pocket without

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