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2017-03-30 20:26来源:山东自考网
I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(20%)
1. Anthropological culture refers to ______.
A. culture in its broad sense                     B. culture in its narrow sense
C. large C culture                                    D. academic culture
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of the components of small c culture?
A. Houses and foods.                               B. Political organizations.
C. Gestures and facial expressions.            D. World views.
3. ______ meaning is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.
A. Social                                                B. Connotative
C. Affective                                            D. Reflected
4. “Domicile”, “residence” and “home” are synonyms, but they are different so far as their ______meanings are concerned.
A. conceptual                                         B. reflected
C. social                                                 D. thematic
5. Which of the following is NOT a grammatical morpheme?
A. -s                                                      B. -ly
C.-est                                                     D.-ed
6.a)He came to Shanghai in the fall of 2008.他2008年秋天来到上海。
b)He once worked in Shanghai.他曾在上海作过。
The above examples indicate that ______.
A. formal markers for tenses and aspects in Chinese are optional
B. formal markers for tenses and aspects in English are optional
C. formal markers for non-finite verbs in Chinese are obligatory
D. formal markers for non-finite verbs in English are obligatory
7. In English, ______ are inherited and more distinctive.
A. given names                                       B. surnames
C. nicknames                                          D. full names
8. Which of the following is commonly used to bid farewell among the Chinese people as well as among English speakers?
A. It’s nice to have met you.                    B. Walk well, please.
C. See you tomorrow.                              D. I’m pleased to know you.
9. “To pull somebody’s leg” corresponds to ______.
A.拖某人后腿                                     B.开某人的玩笑
C.不动声色                                         D.让某人笔直站立
10. The Chinese equivalent to “not in a hundred years” is ______.
A.一百年不变                                     B.永远不变
C.永远不能成功                                  D.从来没有
11. Which of the following sentences uses similes?
A. His words stabbed at her heart.             B. My love is a red, red rose.
C. The son looks like his father.                D. The nurse looks like an angel.
12. In the sentence “He won her hand in marriage”, a metaphor is used to illustrate that love is ______.
A. a physical force                                  B. a patient
C. madness                                             D. war
13. Which of the following statements is proper in the western social situation?
A. How are you getting along with your work?
B. Are you married or single?
C. How come you’re still single!
D. Do you go to church?
14. In English culture anything that may remind an old person of his/her age might be offensive. If you are going to give a present to an English woman in her fifties, which of the following is IMPROPER?
A. A bunch of flowers.                            B. A bottle of red wine.
C. A box of chocolates.                            D. A china god of longevity.
15. Man: There is a new movie on tonight.
Woman: I have to get up early tomorrow.
The logical relation the above sentences exhibit is ______.
A. coherence                                          B. cohesion
C. connection                                         D. conduction
16. Which of the following statements has adversative relations?
A. My client says he doesn’t know this witness. Further, he denies ever having seen her.
B. He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. Instead, he looked even gloomier.
C. I didn’t know your phone number. Otherwise I should have called you.
D. There are two reasons for my failure. Firstly, I wasn’t well prepared; secondly, my assistant was sick at the time.
17. In advertisement English, there is a tactful use of homophones — words that are pronounced alike but written differently and often have different meanings. This feature can be seen in ______.
A. I’m MORE satisfied. (cigarette)
B. The new computer from AT&T. Flexible. Reliable. And very compatible. (computer)
C. 7 days without 7-up make one weak. (beverage)
D. Less is more. (car)
18. The solar system in astronomy consists of the sun and its planets. EXCEPT ______, all the planets got their names from Greco-Roman mythology.
A. Mars                                                 B. Earth
C. Venus                                                D. Jupiter
19. In Chinese culture, touching or pointing to one’s own nose with raised forefinger signifies “______”.
A. Come here                                         B. I agree
C. I’m sorry                                           D. It’s me
20. The space that exclusively belongs to its owner is referred to as primary territory. Which of the following places is NOT the primary territory?
A. Library tables.                                    B. Personal offices.
C. Father’s chair.                                    D. Mother’s kitchen.
II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide what alternatives can complete the statement and mark your answer(s) on the ANSWER SHEET. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)
21. Which of the following are true about intercultural communication?
A. Intercultural communication originated in France.
B. Intercultural communication only deals with verbal interaction.
C. Intercultural communication is a branch of communication.
D. Intercultural communication involves people from different cultural backgrounds.
22. The United States of America is a federal republic, which may be represented by the words “______”.
A. Parliament                                         B. Congress
C. Supreme Court                                   D. Republican Party
23. The Western people are inductive thinkers who reason ______.
A. from the particular to the general         B. from the whole to parts
C. from the small to the big                     D. from the abstract to the specific
24. Among the following, “ ______ ”are fixed expressions used to greet others in English.
A. How do you do?                                 B. Where are you going?
C. What’s your name?                             D. How is everything?
25. “Knowledge is power”, “Do not wear out your welcome” and “From saving comes having” are proverbs that are related to ______.
A. thrift                                                 B. navigation
C. great English literary works                 D. individualism
26. People from different cultures do not always make the same analogies while using similes or metaphors. From a cross-cultural perspective, which of the following sentences make the same analogies in Chinese and English?
A. He’s as strong as a horse.
B. What a dull speech! He’s merely parroting what many others have said.
C. One look at his face and we realized that a thunderstorm was about to break.
D. All the men in our family have been as bald as coots by the time they reached forty.
27. Which of the following expressions are Chinese honourifics?
A. 府上                                                 B. 请赐教
C. 寒舍                                                 D. 便饭
28. Text refers to any piece of spoken or written language, which expresses a complete meaning. Which of the following are texts?
A. DANGER!                                         B. The novel Pride and Prejudice.
C. The China Daily                                 D. Obama’s speech in Fudan University.
29. The most striking phonetic difference between American and British English is the pronunciation of “r” in words. “R” is pronounced differently in the following words EXCEPT ______.
A. already                                              B. farm
C. hero                                                  D. road
30. Nonverbal messages can be used to accent or emphasize distinct points in verbal messages. Which of the following are the examples of accenting?
A. Saying something quicker than usual.
B. Pausing before saying something.
C. Saying something in a lower voice than usual.
D. Saying something louder than usual.

III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)
31. Seven facets, the thematic model and __________________ are three models for the analysis of culture.
32. __________________ is money given at Christmas time to the dustmen and others who provide a service throughout the year.
33. Comparing the sentences “Tony ate up the cake made by his mother” and “托尼吃掉了妈妈做的蛋糕”, we may find __________________ patterns in English and linear patterns in Chinese.
34. In informal situations, English speakers tend to address others by using their __________________ names.
35. __________________ is a common source of allusions in English, as seen in “a Pandora’s box”.
36. Similes and metaphors must have two components: the tenor and the vehicle. In the sentence “He is the father of modern biology”, “father” is a __________________.
37. Pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths are __________________.
38. The reasoning from the general to the particular or reasoning in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from the general or universal promises is _________________.
39. Advertising is defined as the __________________ communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, service or ideas by identified sponsors through different media.
40. Very often we can tell others’ profession, personality, socioeconomic status, educational level and many other things according to the way they __________________ themselves. So policemen and soldiers are readily identifiable from their uniforms.
IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)
41. What is logical thinking and artistic thinking?
42. What do “intellectuals” in Western culture and “知识分子” in Chinese culture mean?
43. Use “Congress passes tight budget plan” as an example to illustrate the most salient feature of the headline in English newspaper reporting.
44. In English culture, there are four interpersonal distance zones: the intimate zone, the casual-personal zone, the socio-consultative zone and the public zone. Please decide which zone matches with each of the following situations: (1) conversations with relatives;
(2)business discussion; (3) public lectures; (4) staying with spouses and kids
V. Translation. (18%)
48. Man proposes, God disposes.
49. disadvantaged families
50. a green Christmas
VI. Discuss the following topics. (20%)
51. Define a proverb and illustrate how proverbs are related to culture in different cultures, by referring to the following groups of examples.
(1) God help those who help themselves. 平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚。
(2) Rats desert a sinking ship. 树倒猢狲散。
52. Please use “nurse”, “bank clerk”, and “truck driver” as examples to define the terms of “white-collar jobs”, “blue-collar jobs” and “pink-collar employees”.

