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2015-01-23 15:42来源:山东自考网


I. Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (20%)
The world’s largest social network will shift its corporate headquarters starting this summer to a 57-acre campus with 1 million square f.eet of office space in Menlo Park, California, making its second move in less than two years. The move, which will see Facebook swap its Palo Alto address for a home base in a largely undeveloped area near the entrance to a busy Bay Area bridge, will give the company much-needed room to grow, even if the new location lacks some of the glamour of other corporate real estate deals. Google Inc, which is increasingly vying with Facebook for engineering talent, announced on Tuesday that it had leased an iconic building for its staff in Santa Monica. Google's headquarters is in Mountain View, California. Facebook executives said the company, which turned seven on Friday, is seeking the space beyond its nearby Palo Alto base to contain its explosive expansion. The company has seen its payroll swell by about 50 percent annually in past years to about 2,000 now, a pace it expects to sustain in coming years. Its new Menlo Park location can house about 3,600 people, executives said. Facebook leased the campus -- the former headquarters of Sun Microsystems which Oracle Corp took over in 2010 -- and will begin moving in June or July. The site, a cluster of nine blockish buildings and wide, open spaces wedged between the freeway and the San Francisco Bay, is known locally as “Sun Quentin” for what insiders say is a passing, resemblance to the state prison 50 miles north. John Tenanes, Facebook’s director of global real estate, offered a more metropolitan analogy for the company’s new home at a briefing with reporters at Menlo Park City Hall on Tuesday, noting that the various parts of the campus were connected by a courtyard. “That’s how we plan to look at this, like an urban street, or an urban setting.  We think this is going to be kind of the glue that holds the buildings and people together,” he said. Speaking to reporters after the briefing, Tenanes said the new campus will provide plenty of important amenities, including a fitness center, a basketball court, an auditorium and two cafes. Facebook’s move was announced the same day that Web arch-foe Google said it had leased a Frank Gehry-designed office building a stone’s throw from the sun-speckled beaches of Santa Monica, near Los Angeles. Google leased the iconic former headquarters of the Chiat/Day advertising agency -- whose giant binoculars-shaped facade is a fixture of travel guide books -- in Venice, California, to house part of its own envisioned expansion, with 6,000 people set to join the company’s payroll this year.
1. According to the passage, one main reason for the move of Facebook is ______.
A. due to its rapid growth
B. in response to Google’s act
C. that it could provide more amenities for its employees
D. that it needs an urban setting
2. The word “swap” in line 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. move
B. give up
C. replace
D. use
3. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT ______.
A. Facebook was established seven years ago
B. Google probably has a higher employment level than Facebook
C. both Facebook and Google are badly in need of talented engineers
D. Facebook’s new home is located in a metropolitan district
4. According to the passage, Sun Quentin is probably the name of ______.
A. a park
B. a prison
C. a bay
D. a company
5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Facebook is a larger social network than Google.
B. Both Facebook and Google are the largest networks in the world.
C. Facebook’s staff can work out in its new home base.
D. Facebook’s staff get a raise every other year.
Some fish in New York’s Hudson River have become resistant to several of the waterway’s more toxic pollutants. Instead of getting sick from dioxins and related compounds including some polychlorinated biphenyls, Atlantic tomcod harmlessly store these poisons in fat, a new study finds. But what’s good for this bottom-dwelling species could be bad for those feeding on it, says Isaac Wirgin of the New York University School of Medicine’s Institute of Environmental Medicine in Tuxedo. Each bite of tomcod that a predator takes, he explains, will move a potent dose of toxic chemicals up the food chain — eventually into species that could end up on home dinner tables. From 1947 to 1976, two General Electric manufacturing plants along the Hudson River produced PCBs for a range of uses, including as insulating fluids in electrical transformers. Over the years, PCB and dioxin levels in the livers of the Hudson’s tomcod rose to become “among the highest known in nature,” Wirgin and his colleagues note online February 17 in Science. Because these fish don’t detoxify PCBs, Wirgin explains, it was a surprise that they could accumulate such hefty contamination without becoming poisoned. His team now reports that the tomcod’s protection traces to a single mutation in one gene. The gene is responsible for producing a protein needed to unleash the pollutants’ toxicity. All vertebrates contain molecules in their cells that will bind to dioxins and related compounds. Indeed, these proteins — aryl hydrocarbon receptors, or AHRs — are often referred to as dioxin receptors. Once these poisons diffuse into an exposed cell, each molecule can mate with a receptor and together they eventually pick up a third molecule. This trio can then dock with select segments of DNA in the cell’s nucleus to inappropriately turn on genes that can poison the host animal. The tomcod actually has two types of AHRs, with AHR-2 offering the most effective binding to dioxin-like pollutants. But one naturally occurring AHR-2 variant, the result of a gene mutation, proves a very poor mate, Wirgin’s team has found. It takes five times more of the pollutants to get substantial binding than is needed with the conventional AHR-2. In local rivers relatively free of dioxins and PCBs, 95 percent of tomcod possess AHR-2 only in the conventional form. But in the PCB-rich Hudson, Wirgin’s group finds, the only kind of AHR-2 protein in 99 percent of tomcod is the poorly binding variant. The mutant receptor appears to have evolved long ago and to be widely dispersed. But in the Hudson, fish with the gene to make the mutant receptor have thrived, while those without it have died out, Wirgin notes.
6. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How toxic chemicals end up on home dinner tables.
B. How vertebrates mutate in Hudson River.
C. Why Atlantic tomcod do not get sick from dioxins.
D. Why all the creatures thrive in Hudson River.
7. What is responsible for producing a protein needed to release the pollutants’ toxicity?
A. Two General Electric manufacturing plants.
B. The mutant receptor.
C. The tomcod.
D. The gene.
8. What is NOT true about AHRs?
A. They are poisons.
B. They are pollutants.
C. They are proteins.
D. They are plants.
9. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT ______.
A. most probably the mutant receptor evolved long ago
B. AHRs are often used as a short form for dioxin receptors
C. fish with the gene to make the mutant receptor will eventually disappear completely
D. when the river does not have dioxins and PCBs, most tomcod possess AHR-2 only in the conventional form
10. According to the passage, why are Hudson River fish resistant to pollution?
A. Because of their living at the bottom of the river.
B. Because of their removal  of all the poisonous substances from the water.
C. Because of their immune system.
D. Because of their genetic mutation.
II. Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the  given Chinese, making changes when necessary. (10%)
11. accelerate      加速装置
12. fiction          虚构的
13. alternation        可选择的
14. organic         无机的
15. compare        可比的
16. technology      生物技术
17. attractive       诱引剂
18. harmony       和谐的
19. singular        奇点
20. connect         使互相连接
III. Directions:  Fill in the  blanks, each  using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(12%)
a sense of          in memory of       stand for                be ignorant of        specialize in
at random           turn out             take for granted    deficient in         access to
within reach of       be associated with
21. They ______ any events outside their own town.
22. What does the E ______?
23. The whole affair left them with ______ complete helplessness.
24. After qualifying, he decided to ______ contract law.
25. His diet is ______ calcium.
26. The facilities have been adapted to give ______ wheelchair users.
27. All the main tourist attractions are ______ the hotel.
28. She set up a charitable fund ______ her father.
29. The killer appears to select his victims ______.
30. We must not ______ that he is always wrong.
31. They have been ______ great blades for 400 years.
32. The patient’s problems ______ cancer treatment.
IV. Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below. (80%)
      web    on    of     science     debates   and    bridge    in
Popular science, sometimes called literature of science, is interpretation of _33_ intended for a general audience. While science journalism focuses _34_ recent scientific developments, popular science is broad-ranging, often written by scientists as well as journalists, _35_ is presented in many formats, which can include books, television documentaries, magazine articles and _36_ pages. Popular science is a _37_ between scientific literature as a professional medium of scientific research, and the realms of popular political and cultural discourse. The goal _38_ the genre is often to capture the methods and accuracy of science, while making the language more accessible. Many science-related controversies are discussed _39_ popular science books and publications, such as the long-running _40_ over biological determinism and the biological components of intelligence, stirred by popular books such as The Mismeasure of Man and The Bell Curve.
V. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English,  each using one of the given words or phrases below.   (10%)
replete with    in the event of    an array of    reinforce    bear out
VI. Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(15%)
46. Recombinant DNA technology and genetic engineering have contributed a great deal to the development of biotechnology. However, biotechnology in its true sense is a multidisciplinary applied science, with its constituent areas--- microbiology, chemical engineering, chemistry,  biochemistry, genetics and immunology. Technological innovations are the result of convergence of several independent paths. The success of biotechnology still depends on the impact of modern biology on chemical engineers. Chemical engineers will have to become familiar with the  language of biological scientists. Using rigorously-controlled conditions, high-purity chemicals, moderate temperatures, recovery of small amounts of products from dilute fermented liquors, suppressing unwanted metabolic pathways, keeping genetically-engineered cells viable and  working over a long period are some of the new tasks for the chemical engineers to handle in the biological processes.
VII. Directions: Read the following passage, and then fulfill the task with the information based on the passage. (10%)
Enoki Mushrooms may grow 350 metres in Rome
Many people enjoy eating mushrooms, but would you want to live inside one? These mushroom houses aren’t for the pixies living in the forest, they’re for life-sized human beings.
The long white enoki mushrooms that have starred in many Asian dishes are now providing the inspiration for a future housing project in the city of Rome. Designed by OFL architecture (Rome), the Enoki Rome Eco City Project will be suspended above the city.
The mushroom buildings are planned to ‘grow’ upwards out of Rome, using the water courses, parks and other green spaces as a starting point- just the same as a normal mushroom. The exterior will also follow the cellular structure and molecular shape of the enoki mushroom themselves, if they were 150 storeys (350 metres) high and formed from steel, aluminium and glass, with an outer skin of steel diamond-shaped panels.
Inside, the enoki structures are small self contained cities, with green spaces for sports, community and cultural activities. The project will be able to house up t0 6000 people within the 240,000 square metres of residential areas, while the remaining 300,000 square meters would be used for commercial and recreational purposes.
So how do you get from down to the ground to visit the old city or even travel between the different levels? Exactly the way you’d expect in a futuristic city. Instead of an ordinary lift, OFL have included flying shuttles that will take the inhabitants to and from the different levels and clown to the ground.
These futuristic structures are meant to blend with the historical architecture of Rome, but this new species of building isn’t just for the Italian capital. The OFL designers believe that these eco cities would be able to be  ‘grown’ in any major city, including Paris, New York and Tokyo.
How Does Enoki Mushrooms Work?
Mushroom houses look like _47_, though unbelievably larger, but they are made up of building materials.
Mushroom houses are built out of _48_, with an outer skin of steel diamond-shaped panels.
The Eco City Project will hold _49_ residents.
The Enoki structures are convenient residential areas, with _50_.
The Eco City will provide various traffic means, including _51_.
VIII. Directions: Write a passage (150-200 words) in English  on the following title. Develop the ideas according to the Chinese outline given below. (15%)
52. My View on Globalization


