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2015-01-23 15:43来源:山东自考网

Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. At the sight of a cute kitty, the baby gave a loud ______.
A. laugh                                                    B. laughter
C. laughing                                                 D. laugher
2. As it is a freezing cold day, the people that used to bank fish from ______ side of the river are nowhere to be found.
A. either                                                           B. both                       
C. any                                           D. neither
3. It is true that ______ people living in today’s Shanghai are still fascinated by ______ Shanghai described in Eileen Chang’s novels.
A. the; /                                                           B. /; the                       
C. the; the                                         D. /;/
4. The HR manager will have already finished her meeting before the new recruit ______ to her office.
A. shall come                                       B. came                        
C. is coming                                        D. comes
5. If she ______ you, she would be happy to take two days off and have a good rest.
A. is                                                                B. were
C. was                                       D. had been
6. The economist’s suggestion for the country was that it ______ on the development of an educational system available to everyone.
A. focused                                         B. focuses                   
C. focus                                         D. would focus
7. The criminal ______ finally in a house abandoned for years.
A. has located                                                   B. was located
C. had been located                                        D. had located
8. The umbrella I put here just now is gone. Someone ______ it up by mistake.
A. might have picked                                        B. must pick
C. could pick                                                   D. need have picked
9. I really appreciate ______ such comfortable shoes for me.
A. on your finding                                            B. you to find
C. for you to find                                             D. your finding
10. Rather than ______ the new and more powerful drugs, the scientist managed to persuade people to reduce their intake of antibiotics.
A. invent                                                    B. inventing   
C. to invent                                                      D. invented
11. In an age of fuel shortage, green cars are obviously ______ superior ______ the cars that run on petrol.
A. more; than                                                   B. more; to
C. /; than                                                         D. /; to
12. In the apartment building lives a(n) ______ lawyer, who is working on a bribery case.
A. American brilliant young                              B. young brilliant American
C. brilliant young American                               D. brilliant American young
13. The boy took a look ______ his watch and knew his girl friend was late again.
A. above                                       B. into                             
C. at                                        D. over
14. The singer receives an occasional letter from the young fan ______ he has set a good     example.
A. who                                        B. that    
C. for whom                                       D. to whom
15. Nobody can explain the reason ______ the project was abandoned two years ago and then renewed earlier this year.
A. by which                                       B. why
C. which                                        D. how
16. ______ you are young, you will be blessed with beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power.
A. So long as                                                  B. Although
C. In case                                           D. In that
17. I noticed there ______ a pen, two notebooks and a knife stained with blood. But they are gone!
A. be                                                              B. would be
C. was                                         D. were
18. Both air and water ______ what most creatures cannot live without.
A. is                                                                B. are
C. was                                                              D. were
19. According to new data from the census bureau, one out of every four adults in Houston ______ have a high school diploma.
A. don’t                                                        B. doesn’t
C. haven’t                                         D. would not
20. We think of ______ as an international practice not to interfere with other countries’ internal affairs.
A. ourselves                                       B. that
C. /                                        D. it
Section A:  Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group.
21.  which, what, that, nobody, anybody, none
The old fur trader trapped some animals of ______ ______ of us had ever heard before.
22. what, which, that, the other, another, each other
Robots differ from auto machines in ______ after the completion of one task they can be reprogrammed to do ______ one.
23. concentrate, concentrated, concentrating, something, anything, nothing
Some ______ study each day is better than many study hours one day and ______ the next.
24. confess, confessed, to confess, severe, severer, severest
Whether he ______ or not, he shall face the ______ punishment.
25. brave, bravely, bravity, don’t to, doesn’t to, not to
She ______ convinced the attacker ______ commit crime.
26. obvious, obviously, obviousness, both, either, neither
It is ______ that television has ______ advantage and disadvantage.
27. What, When, Which, reach, reached, be reached
______ one is healthy in body and mind, it seems that any goal can ______.
28. was, were, be, lose, lost, losing
The police ______ busy searching the wood for a ______ child.
Section B:  Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Make changes or add something where necessary. (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
29. Looking into crime and violence in the United States is like ______ (open) the proverbial can of worms.
30. We must now ______ (conclude) with further aspects of lateral and vertical thinking.
31. I had a chance to go out with a friend who ______ (take) a climbing course before he entered the university.
32. When might a doctor ______ (choose) not to tell a patient the truth?
33. Salads are good for you and you ______ (not have) to cook them.
34. The workers ______ (build) the bridge this time last year.
35. It’s only natural ______ (think) that through humor two different cultures could find some common ground.
36. Children have a natural ______ (curious) about the world around them.
37. Attractive men are ______ (confident) than less attractive men.
38. Every man and woman, old or young, ______ (be) required to take the inoculation.
39. Mr. Smith is responsible ______ (hire) painters for the company.
40. When we listen, we actually ______ (listen) a purpose.
41. Pubs are places ______ (which) people of all ages and social classes mix to talk.
42. I’d like to have these ______ (fragile, porcelain, Chinese) vases sent by special delivery.
43. She rarely visits her parents these years, ______ (she) ?
44. It’s so noisy here. Somebody ______ (turn) down the radio.
45. As a Christian, Mary’s mother goes to ______ (church) every Sunday morning.
46. My younger sister has to practice ______ (play) piano for hours every day for she will take part in a competition next month.
47. I don’t know ______ (who) I ought to address the request.
48. The old worker is retiring and the factory needs a younger ______ (take) over.
Correct one error in each of the following sentences.
49. Whole Newcastle was excited at the news that Newcastle United had won the championship of the National League.
50. I wish I have enough money to buy a big house in the suburbs of London.
51. My wife used to jog in the alley behind our house because she felt embarrassed to see jogging in public.
52. Look at the traffic jam. The road can be blocked not far from here.
53. Since our car has totally broken down, I’m afraid we’ll have to make to do with bicycles.
54. The new tenant in the flat was both suspicious and interested in his neighbors.
55. He stole a book from the library, that was something unexpected.
56. The police finally caught up with the man whom they thought was the escaped prisoner.
57. He no sooner said it than he felt regretted.
58. If he will be found guilty, he will be deprived of the guardianship of his children.
59. The Stars and Stripes are flying from the flagpole in the square.
60. —Is John the right person for this job?
—I suppose is.
Rewrite the following sentences as required.
61. Turning the following statement into an exclamation:
It would be a disaster if they were to appoint his son.
62. Adding a suitable tag to the following statement:
Nothing could make me give it up.
63. Using a non-finite verb form:
He admitted that he had made the same mistake again.
64. Using a correlative coordinator:
Kathy was not satisfied with her own achievement or with the team’s performance.
65. Combining the two sentences by using a relative clause:
The policeman picked up the child. The child’s arm was broken.
66. Using a disjunct:
It is odd enough that he did not raise any objection to the plan.
67. Using a conjunct:
Most people can learn the basics of a craft quickly. They can learn to carve, weave or solder in weeks.
68. Using passive voice:
One has to sign the form in the presence of a witness.
69. Using extraposition:
How the prisoner escaped remains a mystery.
70. Using a cleft sentence:
Queen Elizabeth, the daughter of Henry Ⅷ, finally led England to greatness as a merchant power.
71. Using inversion:
There was a sudden gust of wind and his hat went away.
72. Rewriting the second sentence by using a cohesive device:
The child doesn’t like this book. Show him a more interesting book.
Answer the following questions.
73. What are determiners? In terms of function, which two types can they break into? Give one example for each type.
74. Why are some verbs called non-finite verbs? How many types of non-finite verbs do we recognize? Give one example for each type.

